
SKU: DT-0553-01DL Categories: ,



Time: 18 minutes

This glorious, body-battering topless catfight features hardcore champ Lisa Comshaw and cocky interloper Goldie Blair. When the British babe in the tight blue dress refuses to get out of Lisa’s chair, Lisa throws the blonde into the ring and proceeds to teach her a lesson. Stripping to bra and panties, Lisa punishes Goldie with full-nelsons, waist scissors, groin grabs and face smothers before lifting her up to the corner for some body punching torture. Poor Goldie is tossed all over the ring, her hair pulled and her body subjected to more scissors, headlocks and breast to breast presses. When the tables turn Goldie begins to give the auburn-haired champion a brutal taste of her own medicine. When Goldie sees that her own lip is bloody, she really goes wild and it is Lisa who tries to survive a blistering barrage of scissors, pins, camel clutches and bone-crushing blows to the body, face and groin.


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