A BLOODY ‘S’ KICKING Part 1 of 2


SKU: DT-0938-02aHQ Categories: , ,




Time/Size: 17 min/326 MB

This extra-length match has been divided into two parts for easier downloading and playback. Both parts are available for the special price of $14.95 each.

The good the bad and the bloody. JC Marie is the good and of course Kristie Etzold is the bad and this match is the bloody, not for the faint hearted bloody – we’re talking real all body bloody. JC with her curly blond locks and perfect body are ready to take on the evil masked villain and her super powers allow her to quickly take the upper hand, dishing out blows and throws to the evil one. Evil strikes to the heart of the good, literally as she takes the S from super and the powers are gone. Sans powers, leaves the blond helpless and destruction awaits – this is no ordinary destruction – no this is savage blood letting. That evil tongue juts from her face as like a vampire she licks the blood from her victim and what produced this blood is almost too horrible to describe. As the evil one rips the clothes from super, she bites, claws and even uses the heroine’s sharp boot heal to let the blood flow. Never has JC’s perfect ass been so abused and then on to her breasts. This is just too much – NOT FOR THE FAINTHEARTED!


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