A FEAST OF FEET – Match 2 Part 2 of 2


SKU: DT-0418-02bHQ Categories: ,


Spice vs. Andrew


Time: 14 Minutes/ 265 MB

WRESTLING COACH Andrew, frustrated with the timidity and lack of killer instinct of his protege Karen (played by Spice), decides to use hypnosis in order to release the passion and fury that Karen had been suppressing for so long. As Andrew casts his spell he describes how a snap of his fingers will strip away all of Karen’s inhibitions, unleashing the full power of the fighter known as Spice that lurks deep within. The trance can then only be broken by the ringing of an alarm clock. Then Andrew snaps his fingers– and Spice does indeed come alive as the last vestiges of the timid Karen vanish into the ether. Suddenly, not only does Spice overpower Andrew, she absolutely loves doing it. When the alarm goes off, the spell is broken, but Andrew is quite pleased with the results. As he leaves the room, he absentmindedly snaps his fingers; and the devil inside Spice escapes again. This time, however, Andrew is unprepared for Spice’s furious attack; and now the alarm clock is broken. During the course of this one-sided battle, Spice takes particular delight in crushing Andrew with her powerful, sinewy legs and stomping him with her feet. Even though the clock is broken it’s soon quite evident that, for Andrew, time has definitely run out.