
SKU: DT-0430-01DL Category:



Time: 20 minutes

That famous blonde grappler from the WCSSW, Unique “Tigress” Leigh places her competitive reputation on the line when she is pitted against her fellow WCSSW opponent, the tempestuous Storm. Each of these all-too-pretty girls is determined to prove that she is the best wrestler and as the starting bell rings, it becomes quite apparent as to why these amazing athletes got their respected reputations. From the very start each girl uses a cornucopia of long hard holds to get the upper hand, which changes so many times that there’s no way to predict a winner. This is a true contest of champions as head and body scissors, leg locks and full body presses, just to name a few of the great holds exhibited throughout this wild and woolly competition, sorely test the strength and endurance of both battling beauties. While only one girl eventually has to lose, it is clear who the real winners are — our DT customers. We’ve already asked these two girls to come back to the DT ring whenever a worthy challenge arrives. Here’s hoping that one comes along real soon.