


Match 1 -The earth shaking you felt about a week ago wasn’t an earth quake – it was Sandy White getting slammed on the ring and the next one you felt was Kristie Etzold getting slammed in the turnbuckle. These two go at it as hard as any two we’ve seen, from the smashing gut slugs to the tortuous scissors – it’s all with bad intentions. It’s real – yes these girls only give when the pain is too great and both want to win. They laugh and have a good time but when it gets right down to it – it’s real – and that means real fun as you get to watch two of the best big girls do what they do best – inflict massive pain. Both these ladies are super strong and both can roll with the best of them – Sandy has fabulous moves and Kristie has the strongest legs in the business, when they synch up around an opponent it’s lights out. This is real down on the mat wrestling but not a bit boring as these buxom babes know all the tricks. They came out of this both wanting a rematch and both dedicated to train hard for the next one. So watch two of the best collide in an explosion of pure delight – one of the great ones!!!

Match 2 -Big, bold, beauties of women’s wrestling are coming out to play – Frankie Zapatelli and Julie Squeeze , two of the toughest young hotties that ever graced a canvas. What Julie lacks in skill she makes up for in pluck, hit her once to get her attention, hit her twice to make her focus and that third will just make her mad, we saw that when she fought Jennie Vaughn in PS-021 and Frankie’s skill was never more apparent than in PS-023 when she put on that fabulous show with the great Christi Ricci. When toughness and skill collide we get the best of both worlds, with the added plus that they are both beautiful – yes the blond Julie has all the right curves and we all know what a knock out this luscious brunette is. Wether it’s arm bars, neck scissors, match book pins or slugs these two give it their all, and that’s a lot when we are talking about two of the best. So see if the tough blond can defeat the skilled brunette in the ultimate battle of big bold beauties!

Match 3 – THERE HAVE NEVER BEEN TWO MORE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN A ONE PEICE! Tylene Buck and JC Marie square off in this pro battle, but first they have several other contests. They pull their tops down revealing their luscious breasts and go at it in a breast war – slamming those bountiful mammories together then digging their long fingers into the flesh seeing who will back down from the pain first. Next they have a butt war, two round firm behinds bouncing off each other as their derrieres collide, then push for the victory. Now on to their shapely legs as they lie on the mat and entwine their limbs in some leg wrestling, each trying to slam the others leg hard to the mat. After all these fun contests we are treated to a pro match, where JC believes she is ready to take on the great Tylene. True Tylene has much more pro experience but JC believes she is the stronger and what she lacks in experience she will make up for with energy. Many fun holds and lifts make this a memorable match but mostly – THERE HAVE NEVER BEEN TWO MORE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN A ONE PIECE !!!!!