
SKU: DT-1219-DVD Categories: , , ,



Match 1 -Red heads always make it hot. And we have two of the hottest: Andrea Rosu and Sarah Brooke. Now big beautiful Andrea you know and spunky Sarah is new but coming on strong as not only a real sexy red head but a real tough lady that can take it as well as dish it out. They meet in the center of the ring and after some harsh words they decide on a best three out of five match, heels come off and they lock up in a test of strength, great to watch them stretch out those sling shot bikinis as they strain, and their legs look so sexy in their lacy thigh high stockings. These stringy suits offer some perfect wedgie material as both ladies pull them deep up the crack in both the from and the back. Such a great contrast, the bigger buxom Andrea and the lean firm Sarah, but both ladies love to fight especially when it entails ravaging breasts and pussies, they gouge pull and mangle both of these body parts to the max. I especially like it when one rides the other as she reaches between her legs and squeezes her most private part. Red heads always make it hot and two of the hottest are waiting to prove it to you !!!!!

Match 2 -Jewell Marceau and Hollywood stand in their respective corners wearing nothing but bikinis and high heels. They each stretch and warm up for their upcoming battle. The high heels are kicked off and the fight begins. Jewell and Hollywood are true legends of the Double Trouble ring. Hollywood is elated to show off her jiu jitsu mastery with an array of complicated leg scissors and chokes. Jewell tends to specialize in the dark arts, and by that I mean she’s a no good cheater. Jewell cares little for decorum and pulls every dirty trick in the book. And if you think the fighting is the dirtiest thing you are going to watch then you will be in for a big surprise when you hear the mouths on these girls. Watching these combatants go back and forth will leave no doubt about the quality of fighters in this cat fighting instant classic.

Match 3 -Kendra James is one the most dominant fighters in the DT ranks. Today she is taking on an under-dog/up-and-comer by the name of Melissa Jacobs. Melissa is worried about this match. She has been training with her manager, Odette Delacroix. Odette has convinced Melissa that she is ready to take on Kendra. The fight begins and the nervous Melissa is immediately overcome by the extremely powerful and skilled Kendra. However, whenever Kendra seems to really be in control, Odette sneaks up from behind and attacks Kendra. Kendra lets it slide the first couple times, but very quickly the match devolves into a 2-on-1 handicap match. Odette and Melissa relish their victory and humiliate the hell out of Kendra. Holding the red headed beauty down, Melissa and Odette take turns licking and spitting into their hands and then holding their hands over Kendra’s tormented face. This is a match that you are sure to enjoy.