BOX-0-RAMA Match 1


SKU: DT-0185-01HQ Categories: ,


Quisha vs. Christine


Time: 24 Minutes/ 452MB

Two tough girls go for blood with no referee. Quisha has had a lot of boxing experience, so she didn’t think it would matter that she had worked late two nights. Why would she need sleep to destroy this novice boxer, Christine? But, we all soon find out that Christine is no novice. While she hadn’t yet fought for the cameras, she has been diligently training as a kickboxer for several years. And not only is Christine an excellent boxer, she is in superior condition. Being topless seems to expose these women to more brutal attacks, as each realizes how painful breast punches are. These girls really go at it, with more head punches than ever, and without that ref, things often go way overboard. A classic case of two bare-chested amazons going at it as the sweat flows down their bronze bodies, their large breasts quivering from each blow. What more could you want?