BOXED PUNCH Match 2 – Part 2 of 2


SKU: DT-0436-02bHQ Categories: ,


Hollywood vs. Marjone


Time: 19 Minutes/ 359MB

Bikini – clad Hollywood answers the doorbell in her hideaway and confronts an incredibly pissed – off Marjone. The olive – skinned beauty threatens to destroy the lithe blonde because of Hollywood’s interference in Marjone’s last match. However, it is Hollywood who gets in the first punch, and, eventually, it is Marjone who is dragged out to the wrestling ring. Marjone can barely rally a defense as she is stripped down to her panties and tied to the ring post where she is pounded bloody by the relentless California blonde. The dark – haired damsel looks doomed when her friend Eve leaps into the ring and begins slamming away at the startled Hollywood. Soon, it is Hollywood who is battered and bloody as Eve and Marjone double – team her mercilessly. However, when Stacy jumps in to help Hollywood, the punching action becomes even more intense as four hellcats pound faces, stomachs, crotches and breasts in this non – stop orgy of flying fists of fury.


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