Cali, Dia, Nicole/Cali vs. Diana




Match 1 -Destruction, destruction, destruction – how much can one girl take? Cali Logan is about to find out as Dia Zerva and Nicole Oring gang up on her in this beat down. Dia and Nicole are two of the most inventive destroyers, using an exercise tension band as one of their weapons along with many cream pies for humiliation. They even use cute Cali’s pig tails as reins when one rides her while the other slaps her ass. And the holds, figure four on one end with a crucifix on the other, back breaker over both their knees and every other sadistic hold they can inflict on sexy little Calie – and what’s that they have written across her chest? Dia and Nicole really enjoy inflicting pain on the innocent one. It’s a wild ride on the of annihilation train and Cali Logan has a one way ticket to pain!

Match 2 -WOW – the big one for the little purple heroine, yes this is by far the most devastation ever visited upon poor Bat Babe (Cali). The Riddler(Diana) is oh so sadistic, she tricks our heroine and is off on her journey of painful holds, but this is only the beginning, even when her foe is passed out the question mark lady throws a bucket of water in her face, she wakes to more destruction – destruction isn’t enough, total humiliation and annihilation are demanded. Her head is wrapped, the purple outfit is pulled to her knees — nude from the knees up she is put through intricate contraptions, all aimed at pain and humiliation and culminating with an orgasm. And we are not even close to finished – next come ropes, chains and another orgasm, ending with a restraining device that puts the purple fem to the ultimate test — is this the end? Riddle me this: what is all pain and all pleasure – watch and you’ll see!!! WOW!!!!