Cali vs. Melissa/Kristie vs. Melissa/Stacy vs. Christina




Match 1 -Good old fashioned smack down, that’s what Melissa Jacobs and Cali Logan are treating us to in this head bashing brawl. Both in nylons, skirts and heels, Cali in the cutest braids and Melissa with her hair flowing down so when the hits come it’s like a curtain of hair, and the hits do come, lots of them. Hits they both get; standing, on their knees, lying down – with an open hand front and back and of course fists, yea lots of hard fists to the face. They both vie for each others skirts and are constantly taking them off each other, leaving them only in their sexy nylons. But it’s those hits, never ending hits that snap their heads around and they sound just like in the old westerns, these girls put on a great show as neither will stop, they take hit after hit until one is finally just had too much, too much head splitting pain. If you like the old fashioned bar room brawls with all the great hits, then this is the one for you – two gorgeous girls smacking each other all around the ring – hits, hits and more hits — the hits just keep on coming!!!!!!

Match 2 Pure destruction! Bear hugs front and back and even upside down, yes the life is squeezed out of poor Melissa Jacobs as destroyer, Kristie Etzold applies these devastatingly long squeezes on her. Kristie also throws in a lot of lifts and carries, over the shoulder back breaker, fireman carry and even piggy back – add a few squishes in the corner and on the canvas and we have pure unadulterated destruction. Dressed in her tight jeans and stomper boots the buxom red head so enjoys her pain filled breathless squeezes, poor little Melissa looks like a rag doll in big reds arms and those upside down bear hugs, fabulous. A rag doll and a sack of potatoes that’s what magnificent Melissa becomes. So if you like one-sided destruction, if you like bear hugs, if you like lifts and carry – this is the one for you – pure destruction!!!

Match 3 -Loosely based on a scene from the Batgirl movie, the one with the woman eating plant. Stacy Burke plays the lingerie clad super heroine and Christina Carter is the thigh-booted villain. It’s a vicious fight that has our poor heroine getting the worst of it, chocked and smothered in every way: by hand, by bra, by breasts and by butt – face-sits in so may unique ways – my favorite, the one on the couch as Stacy is on the floor bent backwards and Christina sits. Breasts are soon freed and targets for destruction – this is one bad villain, she loves the annihilation and it just keeps coming. Stacy take a lot but remember this is a SUPER and she will last as long as it takes to get the job done – it’s not a woman eating plant but there will be beautiful legs dangling as the body is being eaten by a…….