


Match 1Celeste Star and Ariella Ferrera are in the changing room when a conversation breaks out, this talk is more like a fight with words. After this long verbal battle they take it to the ring, topless they come together, when their bodies meet we see how attracted they are to each other as their tongues are soon dancing together, such a strange dichotomy; to be so sexually turned on yet want to beat hell out of her at the same time. They push away from the kiss and get on with the business at hand, these girls came to hit each other and that’s just what they do, gut slugs galore each taking turns battering these sleek brown bellies, they throw in some kidney and head shots to keep each other off balance. The winner gets to oil up the loser and do whatever she wants with her and this incentive seems to have the girls revved up as the slugs start getting harder. They each throw in a head popping leg scissors but always back to their feet and more gut slammin’ and now with kicks to the gut added for more pain, also many more kidney destroyers. It’s a back and forth flesh pounding that leads to a shimmering climax because someone’s brown flesh ends up glistening as oil drips and slides across her fabulous body – getting beat up never felt so good!!!!

Match 2 -Wild wild women, we love them so, and when they meet up it’s a wild wild fight. Ariel X vs. Alyssa Reese two wild women in the ring, they both plan to beat hell out of each other and don’t mind telling the world. Soon wild women have their tops off and are ponding abs, but these two are not satisfied with hard slugging, no wild women use their legs, and these two have some of the best legs around, and these fabulous legs can inflict some real pain when they are whirled at their foes, kicks to the head, but mostly they use them to smash those rippled stomachs. Bow and arrows, stretches, head scissors, face sit that gets rolled through to a butt spank and a waist scissors suspended from the top rope, grueling test of strength, breast smother, leg bar and so so many more, some I don’t even know how to describe but all of them show off the wild beauty of the bodies of wild women. And when wild women fight you never know when it’s over, so keep watching – it’s not over till the thin lady sings with pain !!!!

Match 3 -Experience and beauty; Christina Carter and Christine Dupree offer the best of both. They see each other at the ring in their street clothes and discuss how much they like each others fighting, this mutual admiration leads them to wonder what a great fight it would be between them – only one way to see who’s the best. Yes, they decide to fight, they take off their shirts but leave their jeans and bras on, winner is by conceding or knock out. Palms slap high in a test of strength, their muscles flex as they work each other toward pain, it breaks into breast slashes and hard gut slugs, these sexy veterans are soon rolling on the floor with hands full of hair, they roll and pull till one rises and kicks the other several hard kicks in the gut. Eventually they are both going for each others crotches, clawing, slugging even kicking this sensitive area. They take a break in the middle of this fast paced wild match and then decide to go the rest of the way topless, now those supple breasts get the focus of attention, slapped, punched, clawed, pulled and even sustained bites. These girls go till total exhaustion has them spread-eagled on the canvas, the finish is a big surprise but very understandable when experience and beauty fill the ring together !!!!