


Match 1Amber O’Neal vs Christi Ricci – this is one great match as these two gladiators are equally skilled. Amber is a tall blond about the same size as Christi and both are as attractive as they are deadly. They move from hold to hold with the ease of veterans and both have a mean streak – when Amber touches the rope for Christi to release her hold and Christi doesn’t – this opens the flood gate to a river of anything goes, starting with an attack on Christi’s eyes. Yes Amber seems to really love dishing out the dirt as cheating seems to be her specialty, but don’t get me wrong she backs it up with a great deal of skill. Watching these two statuesque beauties flow from one painful hold to another is a real joy. Right up to that last roll over reverse pin that catches one of these grapplers by surprise. This is one you need to watch over and over as they pack so much into it and also one where a rematch is so wanted. These are pros doing what they do best – PRO MOVES OF DESTRUCTION.

Match 2 -She’s at it again – slaughterin’ Sandy slaying her next victim; the spunky, sexy Celeste. The torment starts early as Sandy steps on poor Celeste and stretches her to the breaking point but Celeste gets her back as she smacks her hard in the face then gets her turn to dish out agony with some of the same tormenting holds used on her but Sandy can not only dish out pain she can take it. Soon the pert youth finds herself topless and on the persecution trail, yes Celeste like so many others finds that Sandy loves to torture young maidens – the feistier they are the more torment she applies and Celeste is very spunky. Sandy is the very best at destruction and Celeste finds out the hard way.

Match 3HOLLYWOOD vs TYLENE – what else needs to be said? But I’ll say it anyway – this is one fabulous match as these two pros square off to see who gets the belt but this is about much more than a belt. Yes these are two of the biggest names in the business and each wants to prove the other doesn’t deserve to be in the ring with her. Yes two of the most beautiful just happen to be two of the best and that’s the attitude they bring into the ring – each hold and punch is for maximum pain: back-breakers, scissors, blows to the crotch even atomic wedgies are all applied with pleasure from the giver and pain to the receiver. They may both be pros but the street comes out as both lovelies loose their tops and the two Amazons go at it like they were fighting to see who rules the tribe. Two great pros letting it all hang out to see who is the best – it’s – TYLENE vs HOLLYWOOD!!!!