


Match 1Christie Ricci is mad and needs some fodder for her rage, Helena happens to be in the ring and Christi challenges her to an I QUIT match. Now Christi is a beauty with size and power and while Helena posses wrestling prowess – well suffice it to say she is the fodder. Yes the sleek Helena is destroyed in royal fashion. First Christi chokes her on the ground, then she lifts her over head still choking, from here to an endless gut scissors that has Helena on the verge of destruction – and this is just the beginning! The moves are swift, powerful and filled with pain so if you’re squeamish watching an annihilation – this one is not for you.

Match 2Sandy vs Kianna – they have fought before and everyone loved them – so back for another encore are the two bountiful babes of pain. Kianna is a big girl and gives Sandy some of her own medicine as she throws some body slams on her. Not to be out done by this youngster Sandy puts her in some tough holds only to have them reversed on her. It’s a multi-fall match that goes both ways till Sandy rips Kianna’s top off, then takes over: power bombs that shake the ring – then more holds and more throws till the destruction is complete. It’s fun to watch two big tough beauties go at it and GO AT IT THEY DO!

Match 3Sandy is at it again, yes the bountiful powerhouse is ready to do battle, but who is her victim – oh no, it’s the cute, diminutive Mina. Sandy is in heaven, how can she be so lucky – she laughs as she inspects her tiny, sleek opponent. Mina may be small but she is also very spunky, she attacks with all she has surprising the confident blond with a cloths-line but it’s too little from too little and Sandy soon takes over. Now Sandy can take just about anyone so when she has a little girl like Mina – well let’s just say this is what the blond destroyer lives for. Every throw and hold is applied with more zest and bad intentions. She throws poor Mina around the ring like a rag doll, over her shoulder she carries her before slamming her to the canvas. Every choke hold seems that much worse and being tough now works against Mina as she tries valiantly not to give or be submitted in each fall – but to no avail. Never have we seen Sandy so happy or so glorious as in her destruction of this delectable dainty – minnie Mina.