
SKU: DT-0563-01HQ Category:


Gasae vs. Julie


Time: 19 Minutes/ 402 MB

Two old friends reunite after many years, but it’s hardly a friendly reunion. Julie Winchester’s initial joy at seeing the long-missing Gasae is soon supplanted by anger as Gasae starts dishing out the trash talk–just like old times. Julie’s headlock is quickly countered by a flip to the mat–showing that Gasae has lost little of her wrestling fire. Julie is punched into the corner but kicks out to trap Gasae in a torturous twisting hold. Julie’s own trash talk is met with rollicking body splashes by the lithe Ms. Winchester. These two veteran champions toss each other around, trap each other in headlocks and pins and punch and kick each other all over the squared circle. Gasae’s breasts are soon exposed and she’s almost waist scissored into unconsciousness. When Julie’s top is ripped off as well, she finds herself trapped in a corner and belted all over by her dark haired adversary. A mauling, pounding beat down ends the day for one battered veteran.