
SKU: DT-0673-02HQ Category:




Time/Size: 21 Minutes/327 MB

Our match begins with tough girl Devon Michaels in her living room preparing for an interview alongside the cocky Tina Z. whom she will be fighting the following day. Applying make-up and putting on a skirt, top and pantyhose over her pink underwear, Devon climbs into her ultra-high heels and makes her way to the yard where Tina Z, sporting her new Mohawk haircut and the DT Championship belt, waits impatiently. The trash talk continues during the interview until the two tigresses decide to get it on right then and now. Stripping down to their underwear and stockings the war is on! Tina Z wastes no time getting Devon in a headlock, but Devon reverses it into an arm bar. Slamming Tina Z’s head into the turnbuckle Devon staggers the proud champ with blows and karate chops. This really knocks much of the fight out of Tina Z and she is knocked out pretty quickly to end the first fall. A punch to Devon’s face only seems to fuel Devon’s hate and she staggers Tina Z with a barrage of punches to the head and ribs. This match is finally ended with a head scissors submission after which the loser is subjected to some foot-kissing humiliation.