
SKU: DT-0419-02DL Categories: ,




Time: 26 Minutes

We have a new pair of heroines, Night Witch (Marjone) and her young sidekick Wildchild (Alicia), receiving an invitation to join the Sisterhood of Superheroines. When the reluctant and suspicious Night Witch declines the offer, the impetuous Wildchild decides to accept the invitation on her own and makes her way to Sisterhood Headquarters. However, Night Witch’s instincts prove to be right as Wildchild learns that she has walked into a trap and is soon face – to – face with a whip – carrying, leather – clad menace known as Domina (a wonderfully sneering Julie DC). When Wildchild proves no match for the dominatrix, who uses her mammoth breasts to smother the struggling heroine, the stage is set to use the defeated blonde as bait for her shapely, dark – caped partner. Night Witch fares little better than her young partner and eventually the dynamite damsels find themselves bound and ball – gagged outdoors as the sinister Domina prepares to amuse herself by torturing and punishing the captured crimefighters. Can the bound bombshells escape the stinging wrath of the deadly Domina? Tune in and find out!