


Match 1 -Five of the hottest DT girls in one match! Cali, Miko, Charlie, Francesca and Melissa, all ready to do a round-robin tag match where when you lose two falls you’re eliminated. The clingy one pieces show off their sleek bodies and the boots accentuate their power – because these girls are here to kick some ass and they will have to kick a lot of ass to win. It lasts so long because they are all taking turns with each other trying to amass their wins – eventually one girl has her two humiliating defeats and leaves with her tail between her legs. Little by little we weed through our warriors till we are finally left with the two battered victorious grapplers, both are tired but have too much skin in this game not go for blood here at the end and they make it worth all the wait. This one is action packed from beginning to end as we constantly have new blood in the ring. You won’t want to miss any of this one as this is a true EPIC – both in length and proportion.

Match 2 -Epic is when you get one of the best veterans to go up against one of the best newcomers, epic is when they will do anything to win and epic is when it goes so long we have to divide it up because there’s just too much action for one video. The vet, Christine Dupree takes on the delicious Prinzzess, and when I say they will do anything to win, I mean they bring out all the weapons; slugs, to breast and gut, every tortuous hold in their arsenal and every instrument of destruction they can find – they find lots of them, metal bottle, huge rope, metal bat and hand cuffs. Each beauty takes her turn at dominant annihilation, long sustained battering from one till the tables turn – Prinzzess loves to go after Christine’s fleshy breasts, especially attacking her pert nipples and Christine gets Prinzzess in some fabulous corner and rope positions, but mostly they just love to inflict pain, wether it’s slamming the gut with a bat, rope or bottle, they love to dish it out. This is action packed from beginning to end – two of the best making sure this is truly an EPIC OF DESTRUCTION!