

Hannah Perez vs. Karlie Montana


Time/Size: 33 min / 779 MB

Get ready because Hannah Perez and Karlie Montana are about to put on one hell of a show, more hard gut and breast blows than we thought possible in one match, and that doesn’t even mention all the fabulous ass smacking, so pour another scotch because this one is going to last awhile. When we get super tough girls like these two we know we are in for some real body blasting, hell, we can tell just from that first ass spanking and how red Karlie’s amazing butt gets that we are in for one incredible body thumping. Karlie tricks Hannah and gets her in a trance state so she can batter her at will; savage wallops to the gut, slaps and punches to the breast and she even takes her to the ring for some great ass pounding from behind but my favorite is when she uses her bountiful butt to bash into Hannah’s chest, butt cheeks and breasts clash in the most amazing way. Finally sexy Hannah gets her chance to slap, spank, swat and smack as Karlie’s whole body shakes from the pounding. Guts, breasts and butts are banged and battered like we have seldom seen – a pounding for the ages by two of the toughest, sexiest ladies around – YES !!!!!

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