


Match 1 -This video begins in the middle of a pro-style match between Celeste Star and Karlie Montana. Celeste is smashing Karlie across the ring with a folding chair. Karlie, wearing nothing but bikini bottoms, is then mounted by Celeste. Karlie screams in agony that she “submits.” However, Celeste ignores her cries and locks the camel clutch in even deeper. In between these scenes of truly graphic female on female violence we cut to interviews with Karlie. The poor girl cries through most of it, but in between the sobs and snot she explains the horrific pain, embarrassment, and lasting damage done to her by Celeste. I must warn any viewer about the explicit torture presented in this video. Karlie’s vagina is beaten until it bleeds, she is then forced to worship Celeste’s body. Celeste then continues to bloody Karlie’s crotch with one hand, as she pleasures herself with the other. Celeste’s multiple orgasms are a terrifying juxtaposition to Karlie’s pain and trauma.

Match 2 -Melissa Jacobs –aka, The Wild Cat– is so hot dressed all in red: short super sexy red dress, red stockings and red heels and of curse her amazing mane of red hair – she struts about telling how she is going to win the belt back. Later we see Misty Stone in the ring all in black: little bra, short shorts, nylons and back heels, she is talking to Mark about the matches when Melissa shows and sparks immediately fly – Mark leaves to set up a match between them, soon he is back and tells them to go at it – heels and dress off and we are on. Melissa now in all red lingerie, and we do love those garter belts, she is out for blood, with hard gut and head shots she puts Misty to the canvas. This is just the beginning of the Misty mauling, chokes, kicks, scissors and one sustained face-sit has Misty in big trouble but Misty can handle misery and eventually comes back, on the ground she pounds on Mel’s sexy tummy, then to an amazing standing bow and arrow. Of course the Wild Cat is by no means done so this turns into quite the brawl, and these two babes are so sexy in their red and black lingerie… sexy garb, sexy women in a wild fight that ends with some ass kissing!!!

Match 3 -The fans and cooler are on because it is such a hot day, Cali Logan waters herself down to cool off and we are treated to her gorgeous wet body, across the ring Abigail Mac wets down her perfect tan body, the heels come off and a hard slap takes our wet beauties down to the mat for some super sexy cat-balling. Wet they roll from one side of the ring to the other, those beautiful butts rise high in the air as they vie for position, their legs entangle as they roll and rub. Soon the tops are off and now their wet bodies really slide over each other, eventually they break but only to go put on some cut off muscle shirts then wet those down so their perky nipples jut through the wet cloth – a long test of strength, some super sexy bear hugging, crawling on all fours, foot fighting and of course more cat-balling till our soaked sirens can take now more. Especially loved the bear hugs when they were standing and from underneath we see their now glistening breasts sliding across each other – oh so sexy. A wet Abby and Cali, bodies entwined as they roll and hug to exhaustion… no more needs to be said!!!