


Match 1 -Let’s put two of our favorite veterans in the ring together, Hollywood and Francesca, that is surely a recipe for entertainment. Right we are, these two love to rumble and go at each other right from the bell, lots of great corner action as each girl loves to trap her foe for a beating, lots of slugs to the gut, forearms and knees. Then it’s off to the canvas as we are treated to an array of slick holds: camel-clutch, reverse toe hold, body and crotch stretches and a sustained figure four – plus too many more to mention. These two love what they do and it comes through, even toward the end when Francesca’s top gets ripped off they don’t miss a beat – always going for that next pain filled hold. Two beautiful veterans – too much fun!!!

Match 2Sandy doing what she does best – beating up little girls, and Mina is one of the smallest. So this should be a slaughter right, well not exactly as Mina proves to have a lot of spunk, it’s not just her nipples that stand erect no Mina’s whole demeanor shows some backbone as she puts Sandy in an arm bar and later a straining bow and arrow, also a good camel clutch but unfortunately she is just the right size for Sandy to pick up and toss around – slams and drops from on high take their toll on our milky skinned little beauty. Spunk vs. power, Sandy in all her glory – we just can’t get enough of Sandy’s destruction.

Match 3 – Big, beautiful, blondes, and that’s only the beginning, because Julie Squeeze and Christi Ricci are also two of the toughest ladies we know. These ladies are so rough we had to reinforce the ring to make sure it could take the abuse and abuse it received as these ladies slammed each other hard from one corner to the next. Christi pounded her knee into Julie’s back, then snapped her neck back in one of the most painful holds ever, and Julie jumped high around Christi’s shoulders looking to bring down her large foe. I love watching these two in action because they give it their all, no holding back with these bountiful beauties. These are two pros that can take it as well as give it. For those that have been requesting more of Julie Squeeze we offer her with the best, Christi Ricci. Big, beautiful, blonds that show us how the tough girls do it — PRO STYLE!!!