


Match 1 -Big and busty and ready to cat fight, that’s what we have with Christie Stevens and Victoria Veracruz, in their short skirts, nylons and heels they have both come to get down and dirty with lots of hair pulling and breast destruction. They dig their red nails deep into breast flesh as lots of soft flesh their is and it is so enjoyable watching those short skirts ride up their round butts showing off their long shapely legs as they roll around on the floor cat-balling to everyones delight. And when Christie crawls on top of Viki on the couch with those sexy legs kicking while their breasts smash together, a thing of beauty, then to the floor where Christie gets behind her with a good hold on those big tits, she works them hard from nipple to full gouge – so when Victoria gets her shot at Christie’s full chest she goes in deep, from on top and behind she sinks her red nails in. Back and forth they go with their wild hair flying all the time, they roll and groan, two sexy cat fighters – everyone wanted to see Victoria in a real cat fight, well here she is in all her majestic beauty!!!

Match 2 -Melissa Jacobs and Christina Carter are facing each other in a panty hose match. They stand across from one another wearing nothing but flesh colored hose. They snarl and hiss across the ring. The bell rings and Christina confidently strolls to her foe and knocks her to the ground. With a cool, calm, and collected look she begins to stretch Melissa. The fiery red head screeches and whines as Christina rips apart the cartilage that holds Melissa’s knee cap in place. Christina takes delight in destroying her young opponent. With an ear-to-ear grin Christina uses her teeth to tear a giant hole in the right ass cheek of Melissa’s panty hose. Panty hose are not the only thing that will be viciously mauled by Christina’s sharp teeth. Can Melissa overcome the powerful and dangerous bite of Christina Carter or will she be yet another victim?

Match 3 -Celeste Star and Liz Ashley are wearing some very tight pencil skirts and professional looking blouses at the beginning of this match. However, if I were a betting man I would say they won’t end the match wearing much of anything. The fight begins and the girls struggle to man handle one another as they tip toe in their stiletto heels. Eventually, they agree to remove their tops, showing their perfect racks. Rolling along the couch and then the floor, these ladies juice each other’s chest fruit for all of the yummy goodness they have to offer. The slight fingers of Celeste and Liz knead and rip into the soft flesh of their enemy as they grind their crotches against each other. Maybe you can tell better than me, but it looks like these girls aren’t wearing any underwear beneath their panty hose! Which barbarous young professional will win?