
SKU: PS-018-DVD Categories: , ,



Match 1 -Wow, nothing like watching two super pros going at it, Jezabel Romo is one of the premiere pros in the business, when she hits – she hits. So when cute young Lucky gets in the ring with this veteran, well we all just held our breath, but wait, she may be young but she is tough and knows some moves – but some just doesn’t make it when you’re fighting a ring veteran like the hard hitting Jezabel. Yes, cute Lucky finds out just how hard hitting as Jezabel savagely attacks her pert breasts, then slams her head into the young one’s crotch – she’s just getting warmed up, wait till she splits her crotch with the ropes, or picks her up and slams her into a back breaker, and that leg bar stretches her to the limit and hurts almost as much as those knees to the kidneys. Everything this brutal brunette does is with bad intentions, Lucky’s milky white skin is turning red from abuse but that just makes Jezabel’s sparkling eyes flash with sadistic joy. Pro destruction with bad intentions, these ladies are wild and wonderful!!!!!

Match 2 -Here it is, for all those pro fans that have been requesting getting Frankie Zappatelli and Christie Ricci back in the ring together, this is it. These two love to hate each other and love to destroy each other. They prove this with each tortuous hold – fist they have to talk some shit, try to intimidate, oh and do these girls like talking the trash, and the best thing is they can both back it up. Frankie has been beating the hell out of lots of girls since she came back to DT from her long vacation, but let’s face it non of those girls are a Christie Ricci, big beautiful Christie is a one of a kind, seldom does the gorgeous Frankie meet someone who is not only bigger but just as skilled. They both work the corners, with savage kicks and slugs, then it’s to the mat for a killer camel clutch with a nose hook added just for torture and humiliation. They also made wide use of suffocating head scissors, one time they both were in one at the same time, and they don’t put these holds on for a short time, no, these ladies want their victim to feel the full effect of being breathless. Two beautiful, strong warriors – what can one say, when you put two of the best pro girls in a ring together – you get a fabulous pro match!!!!

Match 3 – WOW, is this match fun, the best of both Euro worlds – two super hot naked women trying to put pro moves on each other. The tall lean Anne is so sexy, her taught naked body just screams to have fun on the mat and then we come to Amirah, trust me you will thank us for coming to Amiriah, she is one of the sexiest ladies we have had in a long time – a curvy brown body, with pert firm breasts, round full butt and wild long dark hair, she exudes sex and fun. These two naked warriors roll on the mat a bit before Ann is able to get on the fist scissors, she wraps her beautiful long legs around Amirah’s slim waist and squeezes, the brown body squirms in pain as we look from all angles, and oh what a treat that is. Next it’s Amirah’s turn as she gets Ann in a bow and arrow, she pulls that long fabulous body to the breaking point as they both seem to enjoy both giving and getting pain. Next we have a figure four leg lock that again shows off their fabulous bodies, they are learning fast – more bow and arrows, scissors and figure fours. These Euro girls are the best, they love to get naked and roll on each other, and learning these wrestling holds is just what they have been waiting for. Ok it’s not a standard pro match with experienced pro girls but if you want to watch two of the sexiest naked ladies having fun putting on pro holds then this is the one, THESE LADIES ARE HOT!!!!!!!