
SKU: PS-004-DVD Categories: , , ,



Match 1Maria Montana vs another pro wrestler, Rain – two more pros that live to put on a great show. Now the bountiful blond Maria is quite a bit larger than her brunette foe but this doesn’t intimidate Rain who is willing to take on all comers. Trading arm locks they are both determined to get the upper hand or arm, but this only ends in a long drawn out test of strength, then each girl slyly maneuvers from hold to hold, showing just how slick these two are – they even congratulate each other on how technical they are, yea these two are awfully good sports. But this sportswomanship is truly tested when Rain slams Maria into the corner then kicks her hard multiple times in the gut and chest, not only does Maria endure this pain but retaliates by putting Rain in a sustained leg lock that has Rain rolling across the mat in pain, then the big blond picks her up in a full nelson, up off the mat – this one has to hurt. Not to be out done Rain puts blondie in a kneeling reverse head lock and proceed to pin her – but this match is far from over, oh no this is going all the way to submission. And as painful as their last moves are they still shake hands and complement each other on how the other almost broke her arm and leg. Two pros that love to wrestle FOR YOU!

Match 2Eve Ellis has never looked so beautiful, and what happens when this fabulous fire haired beauty meets the queen of destruction, Sandy? The answer is destruction of the most exquisite kind, but first Eve surprises Sandy with a clothesline then some gut stomps. Insulted that this cat-fighter bested her Sandy slams her to the canvas, one of many such slams to come, Eve’s ravishing alabaster body vibrates as much as her taught skin will allow. Time for Sandy to start her parade of torturous holds on poor Eve, leg scissors, chin locks, a seated grape vine and oh so many more. Eve finds the strength to come back throwing Sandy to the mat but Sandy retaliates with a drop kick and continues the mayhem, even taking off Eve’s top and using it to choke her. Never has Eve’s perfect body been put through such torture and this is only the first fall – yes multiple falls ending in long devastating chokes, my favorite is when Sandy sits on the top rope and stands Eve in the corner entwines her arms around her neck and slowly deprives her of all oxygen. Multiple falls of marvelous destruction as only Sandy can dish out.

Match 3Christiana is angry as she talks to DT on the phone – she wants a rematch with Raquel who did some bad things to her in their last match. What’s this, she finds out Raquel won’t give her a rematch – oh no way, not after Christiana has been working out so hard and has her beautiful body especially her legs as strong as she has ever been. Still determined she busts in while Raquel is giving an interview and hears her say how no one can give her a contest. Slamming her strong, shapely legs in front of Raquel she challenges her to a match and after the insults and an offer of lots of money the fight is on. In the ring Raquel discovers how much the gorgeous pro across from her has been training, she finds this out the hard way as those gym tested legs are wrapped around her, over and over they strain to drain her life force . Not finished with her destruction of this exquisite pro beauty Christiana mounts a series of painful holds. But can she keep it up? Few have ever sustained this much destruction on ravishing Raquel – but she may be just mad enough! Mad enough for blood! Mad enough to make this a great pro match!