


Two epic beauties in this very interesting scenario. We start out with Christina Carter working on a computer as we watch her foot play and gaze on her shapely legs. Later in a short skirt she meets up with Melissa Jacobs also in a short skirt and the two talk about the pro fight their boyfriends will be having soon and Christina pushes toward their own fight. Next Christina in her skin tight jeans invites Melissa over to watch their boyfriends fight on TV – Melissa shows up in tight shinny black pants and boots and the girls proceed to watch their boys go at it. This watching only makes Christina want her own action and she goads Melissa into a fight. Rolling over couch and floor they go after each other especially with their legs and their gams, delightful to watch clad in their tight pants that accentuate the curves in their legs and ass. Eventually the strength and size of Christina takes over and we realize she has done all of this to achieve an end — AND THAT END IS VERY SEXUAL!

Big tough and beautiful, Frankie is ready to take on petit Mina and poor Mina is very apprehensive about taking on this much stronger opponent. Then she finds out it’s a thirty minute time limit – the one who has the most falls in this time wins, well now she’s about ready to leave when the bell rings and we soon find out Mina can be a lot tougher than her diminutive stature would suggest – yes this little wild cat goes to work on her larger foe. Of course Frankie wraps her large shapely legs around Mina’s little waist and makes her pay but soon Mina is back to her destructive ways and poor Frankie just can’t figure out how this little thing can cause her so much pain: stretches her arms behind her back, squeezes her breasts, scissors her in all ways and is just a general pain to all parts of her body. Poor Frankie is distraught – how many falls can she take? And can she come back from this massive beating?