QUEEN QUISHA – Part 1 of 2


SKU: DT-0433-02aHQ Categories: , ,


Quisha vs. Shannan


Time: 16 Minutes/ 301MB

The glorious-but deadly Quisha, her body barely contained by her one-piece bathing suit, takes on the equally lovely-but-lethal Shannan, not bothering with a top and flaunting her magnificent mammaries for the camera, in what is destined to be a classic confrontation between experience and ambition. Quisha is determined to eventually rip the championship crown from Marjone and this battle is simply an unsanctioned warm up. Shannan, however, is just as determined to be the new DT champ. In fact, it is Shannan who quickly gets the upper hand as she snares the blonde in an expert headlock, flipping Quisha hard on to the mat. As Quisha finds herself caught in a neck-straining chinlock, the veteran realizes that this Shannan is no easy pickings. However, when Quisha kicks her way out of a stepover toe hold, she gets her chance at payback. Shannan is soon punched, twisted and thrown all over the ring. When Quisha uses her hairband to choke the auburn-haired beauty it’s apparent that the rulebook has been totally discarded. Inevitably, Quisha’s massive boobs are freed from their inadequate restraints, making her even more deliciously dangerous. A seemingly endless flurry of bodyslams, bearhugs, figure-four leglocks, surfboards and all sorts of chokes, blows, throws and anything-goes action where the balance of power shifts back and forth and back again, eventually culminates with one busty beauty trapped in the corner and battered into oblivion. A mind-blowing battle featuring two of our bombastic best.