
SKU: DT-1296-DVD Categories: , , , ,



Match 1 – Kymberly Jane and Goldie Blair are two of DT’s most beautifully buxom ladies. For today’s fight they are wearing G-string bikinis. After posing for the camera they head to the center of the ring for a test of strength. Quickly, Goldie shows herself to be the stronger woman. She bends Kymberly to the mat and smothers the saucy little red head with her giant breasts. Kymberly yelps for air, but soon uses her speed to escape the hold and mount Goldie. Their enormous tits aren’t the only thing they use to smother each other. Kymberly delights in using her round booty to sit on Goldie’s face. Goldie screams bloody murder, but she is under such a meaty bottom that it sounds like she is in the other room. Goldie’s only reprieve comes in the form of a nasty wedgie that sends Kymberly howling to the mat. Which of these large breasted wrestlers will end this fight victorious, their hands raised and tits bare?

Match 2 – Can you be too tough, YES! Odette Delacroix is most definitely too tough for her own good and you are about to see why. Diana Knight is in the back room when the petit blonde saunters in – Diana lets her know it’s not a wrestling day but fight club and Odette says that’s just what she’s there for. Diana can’t believe her ears, she taunts the little one but Odette insists she can do it and finally the big brunette has heard enough and starts the beat down in the back room, it’s savage from wall down to the couch. Odette stumbles in the next room and Diana proceeds to beat her mercilessly around the outside of the ring, hard she belts her against the wall, and when she falls on the mat she mounts her and leverages some killer blows. Finally up again the beautiful brunette bashes her so hard she falls into the next room where the destruction continues; so many hard gut shots then to the face knocking poor Odette across the room – if only Odette would give up, even when vicious holds stretch the little ones body she won’t give, so it’s back to more blistering blows, till finally with the blood flowing she gives her the one last devastating blow to the head !!!!!!!!

Match 3 – Watch that dark hair fly, Erika Jordan and Taylor Vixen are getting wild – that’s right Taylor Vixen, everyone loved this beautiful brunette and we’ve dug up an older video from the vault so we could all enjoy her again. Now if you never saw this voluptuous babe you are in for a real treat, which is just how Erika felt when she got behind her and dug her nails deep into Taylor’s amazing natural big supple breasts, Erika is in heaven – but I get ahead of myself because these beauties talk their smack then get into a standing fight where they pull on those short skirts and grab those nylon clad thighs. Soon the shirts are ripped open so they can attack the breasts restrained in their tight bras. Finally on the floor they get their hands under those bras where they can really cause some damage, each fights hard and rolls to get in the dominate position, roll with those beautiful gams intertwined until finally the bras are pulled down and the real destruction begins. Erika so loves to ride on top, she wraps her legs around Taylor’s then digs all five nails deep into breast flesh, Erika loves the fight and the touch of female flesh. Taylor gives as well as she gets so we are treated to one spicy cat fight – and so great to see Taylor again !!!!!!!