SMALL WONDERS – Part 1 of 2


SKU: DT-0485-02aHQ Categories: ,


Mia vs. Cheryl


Time: 22 Minutes/ 442 MB

It’s a return engagement for those petite powerhouses Mia and Cheryl as they throw each other all across the ring, exhibiting the kind of pro-style skill that have made these little ladies two of our most popular grapplers ever. This match is scheduled with no time limit with falls determined by a ten-count pin. It will only end when one tiny titan can no longer stand. Scientific tactics such as headlocks, surfboards, leglocks, snapmares, leg scissors, matchbook pins, Boston Crabs and kiester bumps intermingle with body blows, killer kicks and hairpulls as each girl takes her turn administering and receiving her own brand of wrestling torture.