Super Bowl 3


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Two topless matches – Championship and consolation.

The first match pits the voluptuous she-cat Sandy against statuesque buxom Randi. These blondes are fighting in the consolation round but by the way they go at each other you’d think they were in the finals. How can such gorgeous women be so tough? Sit back and watch as Sandy’s large bronze breasts collide with Randi’s milky white mounds as they roll about over and over. Athletic and sexy, they kick, punch and gouge as the audience screams with delight.

Last but definitely not least we present the finals with Shelly and Belinda wrestling for the third time in one day. A necklace, the championship belt and a thousand dollars in cash are on the line as our topless, exhausted warriors wage war. Back and forth they battle, as first Shelly’s power rules, then Belinda’s wrestling savvy takes over. These are two of the greatest female warriors of all time, and they’re both bent on destruction. Belinda leaps high in the air to kick Shelly’s large firm, breasts. Shelly wraps her large legs and arms around Belinda and squeezes with all the energy left in her curvaceous, feline frame. It’s a war to the end and to the victor goes the spoils.