Superheroine Fantasies- 6 DVD Set



5 Superheroine Adventures in a 6 DVD set. Over 3.5 hours of costume fantasy female combat!

“SUPER SHELLY” – 40 minutes
Our very first superheroine adventure introduces that caped woman of steel, impervious to pain, ready to take on any and all foes… SUPER SHELLY! When our sexy superheroine meets her archrival Sandy the bikini-clad villainess is no match for a superhero, which is quite evident as Super Shelly easily throws Sandy around the room. Thoroughly beaten, Sandy surrenders, and again Super Shelly has vanquished another foe. But wait! Unexpectedly, Sandy pulls out an amulet made of some mysterious mineral and Super Shelly’s knees buckle, her power diminishing. With Super Shelly so weak the nasty Sandy mercilessly takes advantage of her. But Super Shelly never gives up. Even after being strapped to the stairwell bars and beaten until the sweat drips down her naked breasts, Super Shelly comes back. But can she regain enough strength before sadistic Sandy whips out the deadly amulet yet again?

The mighty Super Shelly returns to battle two wily super-villainesses with their own super powers. Attempting to retrieve some important documents the caped superheroine enters an office where her super instincts lead her to the secret documents. But, sneaking up behind her is Doreen the Sorceress in black costume, cape and high heels. Activating the magical powers in her supernatural hands the Sorceress attacks the caped crimefighter. He legs weaken as Doreen’s magic hands squeeze Super Shelly’s large breasts. Super Shelly tries to retaliate only to find the evil hands around her neck and mouth until our heroine is eventually subdued. Being the demon she is, the Sorceress ties Super Shelly to the rails, pulls her top down and continues destroying our heroine.

After retrieving the documents Super Shelly looks to returns them to their rightful owner. Instead she finds the Villainess (Bobbie) in her white cape and boots coming at her. At first the Villainess is no match for Super Shelly until she tricks the heroine and gets to her power ring. This ring’s mystic gem weakens Super Shelly. The now-topless Villainess then begins working Super Shelly over. It doesn’t look good for our superheroine. Is this finally the end for the buxom powerhouse?

Black-masked Dark-Star (Shannan) captures the unsuspecting Katrina and the vile villainess commands the bound Katrina to admit that she is the superheroine Mega-Babe whom Dark-Star wants to join her in her quest for world domination. When punches fail to force Katrina’s tongue Dark-Star uses her deadly Dark Claw to send excrutiating electrical charges through Katrina’s body. After the villainess leaves, Katrina recovers, does indeed transform into Mega-Babe and vows revenge on Dark-Star by teleporting both of them into the Battle Ring. Dark-Star may have been caught off guard, but she still has the Dark Claw — and this time, she’s using it at full-power!

Answering a distress call the legendary red, white and blue-clad maid of might ,American Woman (Shelly), streaks to an abandoned dwelling where she is ambushed by the black-suited Russian Queen (Lisa) who is determined to conquer the USA. As the inevitable fight ensues, Russian Queen tries to down American Woman by repeatedly assailing the heroine’ s mammoth breasts with her torture talons. When the tide turns against the dark villainess, Russian Queen makes a desperate lunge for a secret button, which activates a torturous, high-frequency sonic scream that overpowers the patriotic powerhouse. Wearing earplugs, the Baltic beast-woman takes great relish in punishing the weakened American Woman, eventually removing the heroine’s power belt. Can the brave blonde come back from the brink of defeat?

These matches were commissioned by two of our superheroine-loving customers and are not part of George Perez’s Sisterhood of Superheroines series. And, while not as ambitious as that series, these energy-charged matches sure do fill the bill when it comes to bodacious babes duking it out in capes and boots. Our first match is a straight ring wrestling encounter, with Super Shelly (in a new red, white and blue costume) facing Sandy Claws (Sandy, reprising her SoS character from Tape #491). A seesawing test of strength leads into a series of painful surfboards, leglocks and choke holds. Gloved punches and booted feet painfully pounding against superheroine crotches are coupled with hard, stinging spanks as this titanic tussle grows more violent with every earth-shattering maneuver. Not surprisingly, the famed enormous breasts of these voluptuous vixens are way too tempting as targets and are often bared and assaulted as well. Blonde bombshells, each more powerful than a locomotive, fill the ring with savage fury!

Next we find the Masked Bandit (Hollywood) entering a home to retrieve a hidden tape only to encounter Spider Woman (Jewell, in a black regalia of bikini, mask, boots, gloves and cape). A furious fistfight ends with Spider Woman knocking out the pistol-packing intruder. However, before Spider Woman can leave, she is surprised by Wundarr Woman in a similar red outfit with a gold lariat wrapped around her waist. Spider Woman is KO’d and her unconscious body is draped over Wundarr Woman’s shoulders as she is carried into the bedroom. The blonde heroine replaces Spider Woman’s power pills with knockout pills, but is then pistol-whipped by the Masked Bandit who is in turn attacked by Spider Woman, who thinks she’s recharged herself with her power pills. Unfortunately, the weakened Spider Woman is no match for the Bandit now and she is beaten down, just as Wundarr Woman returns to face the bandit once more. Fists fly fast and furious in this superheroine saga wherein an alliance is eventually formed –and quickly destroyed by a surprise phone call that once again turns one superheroine against the other.

It’s a super ring battle as Amazon Queen (Lisa Comshaw in a new costume) takes on Daisy Chain (Stacy Burke) in a non-powered contest of caped combatants. A test of strength ends with a blow to Daisy Chain’s stomach that doubles over the blonde heroine, setting her up for a painful stepover toehold. Daisy Chain screams in agony as Amazon Queen adds insult to injury by grabbing and grinding her fists into Daisy Chain’s crotch. The poor blonde superheroine seems totally outmatched without her powers and is soon struggling under a facesit as Amazon Queen tortures her exposed breasts. But, Daisy Chain is still a superheroine at heart and retaliates against her sister heroine, giving as much as she had taken. With surfboards, figure-4 leglocks and Boston Crabs delivered with agonizing ruthlessness, one strained super girl is eventually out for the count.

Lisa returns in a very familiar costume as yet another superheroine, Princess Wonder, to confront her arch-nemesis Nightmare (Christine Dupree). Unfortunately, Nightmare is as sneaky as most villains and ambushes Princess Wonder from behind, using the heroine’s mystic lariat to choke her into revealing the source of her power. When Nightmare learns that the power lies with the Amazon’s belt and bracelets, the two golden accessories are removed. Further indignity is heaped on Princess Wonder as she is tied to a chair and belly punched. These punches don’t seem as effective as Nightmare would like and she learns that Princess Wonder’s might will be further diminished if her breasts are bared and beaten. So beaten, squeezed and tortured they are, with the superheroine’s star-spangled crotch pounded for good measure. The superheroine’s screams for mercy are ignored as she is propped on a table for further punishment.

Our superheroine videos have become so popular that more and more customers are commissioning their own adventures. Our first fantasy was scripted by Sisterhood of Superheroines creator George Perez from a plot by one such customer. Santana stars as both the villainess Satan Doll (from Tape #427) and her heroic twin sister Ultiwoman. In a flashback to the Overmind, Satan Doll tells how her sister fell into a trap set up by the buxom baddie Grim maiden (played to the hilt by the sensational Shelly). Ultiwoman is caught off-guard as Grim Maiden snaps an Inhibitor collar around the heroine’s neck, sapping her strength. Ultiwoman’s punches are ineffective and the ebon-haired crimefighter is thrown, punched and stomped mercilessly. A powerful bearhug squeezes Ultiwoman into unconsciousness, but Grim Maiden is far from finished with her. Breasts are squeezed, private parts are groped and more bearhugs are applied as the valiant Ultiwoman suffers torment after torment. Grim Maiden doesn’t want to just defeat the superheroine; she wants to humiliate Ultiwoman. When Ultiwoman eventually awakens, she finds herself tied up next to a bomb ticking away to oblivion. Can the superheroine deactivate the weapon before she is blown to atoms?

Our second caped caper is a ring romp pitting masked superheroine Tanya the Titan against the tough evildoer Demolition Dame (Kristie). Tanya had reluctantly agreed to fight the villainess without either of them using their super powers. However, one should never take a villain at her word. Even though Tanya removed her power belt and boots, the muscular Demolition Dame is still wearing her energy gauntlets as she sneaks up on the heroine and proceeds to crush the life out of her. Tanya is subjected to a seemingly endless onslaught of bearhugs, reverse bearhugs, backbreakers, stomach, face and breast claws and devastating body and head punches. Tanya, her mask and cape removed during the course of this slaughter, pleads pathetically for mercy, but her entreaties fall on cruel deaf ears.

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Weight 1.00 oz


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