Superheroine Showdown – Match 2



Christine vs. Lisa


Time: 22 Minutes/ 467 MB

Superheroine, Princess Wonder (Lisa) confronts her arch-nemesis Nightmare (Christine Dupree). Unfortunately, Nightmare is as sneaky as most villains and ambushes Princess Wonder from behind, using the heroine’s mystic lariat to choke her into revealing the source of her power. When Nightmare learns that the power lies with the Amazon’s belt and bracelets, the two golden accessories are removed. Further indignity is heaped on Princess Wonder as she is tied to a chair and belly punched. These punches don’t seem as effective as Nightmare would like and she learns that Princess Wonder’s might will be further diminished if her breasts are bared and beaten. So beaten, squeezed and tortured they are, with the superheroine’s star-spangled crotch pounded for good measure. The superheroine’s screams for mercy are ignored as she is propped on a table for further punishment.