

Saharra Huxly vs. Hollywood


Time/Size: 27 min / 657 MB

Saharra Huxly is back, yes the big bruiser is looking for a new victim, I mean who the hell can have a chance against this big babe – Hollywood, that’s who, one of the best female wrestlers ever will take on this hulk and she is not a bit afraid, even after Huxly tells her how she loves to beat up beautiful blondes. Hollywood is ready she has fought all comers – wait, what is this, a test of strength has the sleek blonde in real trouble. Hollywood was not ready for this power, how can anyone be ready for the power of Huxly, soon the blonde is a rag doll and Saharra is her owner. Hollywood has never been tossed around a ring like this, bear hugs find her limbs flailing, her legs wrap around that thin waist and squeeze to suffocation, then battering in the corner and of course she picks her up and carries her all around the ring – she just loves playing with her rag doll. But wait is that a comeback, could our blonde really put a dent in the huge Huxly, could she hurt her, could she demean her or will the Hux just come back for even more annihilation – so much big beautiful dominance !!!!!

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