
SKU: DT-1040-DVD Categories: , , , ,



Match 1 -IT’S DESTRUCTION TIME! Who better to destroy than Frankie Z, she is talking to her manager when we open, very angry about being ignored while she was gone and she vows to destroy any girl he puts in front of her. The next day, a nervous Akira Lane waits for her unknown opponent, she is topless and we can tell by her pert nipples she is very nervous or cold. Frankie sneaks up behind her and applies a choke, the annihilation begins; chest slaps, hard gut slugs, head shot and a flip, then she throws her out of the ring and does a pile driver on her. Akira is out cold but the big brunette is by no means finished, she wakes her up and throws her back in the ring where a vicious onslaught of pile drivers, suplexes, body slams and killer holds awaits her – best is when Frankie squeezes Akira’s beautiful face between her legs, Frankie’s muscular legs and firm ass squeeze the color out of our Asian jewell. Frankie is so angry, poor Akira doesn’t stand a chance and just wants it a finish to her pain, and oh does that Z girl finish her!!!!!

Match 2 -Two of the leanest bodies in the business; Alyssa Reese and Karlie Montana, both are bragging about their bodies and comparing them when Karlie says go ahead hit me in the gut and see. Alyssa slugs her into a corner as Karlie gladly absorbs the beating, now it’s Alyssa’s turn to take the punishment – slugs and kicks to those firm abs. This goes on for about eight minutes then to an abdominal stretch and a killer figure four that is released to soften her up with more gut destruction and another one is applied. This is the whole match, gut destruction and killer holds – mid sections battered with fists, knees, shoulders, and feet – yes they even stomp on the guts. Tight, firm, young bodies test their endurance with gut destruction and pain filled holds – two of the leanest, sweetest figures in the business take it to an extreme limit, that’s right this is over thirty minutes of action, so if you have a slow connection this isn’t the one for you.

Match 3Cindy Pucci and Randy Moore are taking on Akira Lane in a great 2-on-1 match. The two blondes tag team Akira’s awesome Asian body until she is moaning in pain. Randy throws Akira’s beaten body into the corner where Cindy grabs her so Randy can land a few devastating blows. Don’t think that Akira will just roll over and die. She comes back at those two blonde bimbos like a true champ. Can the tiny warrior, Akira, possibly take down two girls in one match, or will the tall and powerful Randy and the veteran, Cindy, simply be too much to handle. Either way, I can promise that this match is a fun romp in the ropes.