
SKU: DT-0985-03DL Categories: ,




Time: 20 min

Emily Addison has never looked more stunning than in this match, she pushes out her beautiful breasts as she poses in the corner, groans are heard from the other corner – there stands the petit sleek brunette beauty, Mina Meow, she says she is not intimidated by some big titted bitch. These are fighting words so the fight begins, Emily soon has Mina down and mounts her, and of course she uses those luscious breasts to smother her little foe, Mina frees herself only to be hunted down and this time Em’s top is off, she pulls Mina’s head into her fleshy pillows, Mina struggles as Emily pulls her in tight and rolls across the canvas wrapping her long legs around her victim. This sets the tone, every chance Emily gets she covers the face of poor Mina with her suffocating mammaries. Now tough Mina gets in her licks too, a seated surfboard and good foot grinding in the crotch but to no avail as Emily always resorts to her weapons of choice; breasts, Mina constantly has a mouth full of supple chest flesh. Standing, sitting, lying down, one breast or two – she is always on the attack with those wonderful breasts of destruction.