
SKU: DT-0891-01DL Categories: ,




Time: 22 min

In order to rescue the spirits absconded by the black-garbed villainess Soul-Stealer (Nicole Oring), the star-spangled superheroine Wonder Damsel (Frankie Zappitelli) agrees to wrestle the villainess in the ring. If Wonder Damsel wins, all the stolen souls will be freed, but, if the heroine loses, her soul will join those of her fallen sisters in Soul-Stealer’s trophy case. Both combatants are war-hardened combatants and they exchange painful hammerlocks, bearhugs, full nelsons, gut punches and head rams. Soul-Stealer batters the cornered heroine and then plants her black boot on Wonder Damsel’s throat. To further her advantage, Soul-Stealer lands some hard kicks to Wonder Damsel’s crotch, sending jolts of pain between the super girl’s legs. Despite Wonder damsel’s impressive displays of power, her vile adversary continues to match her, blow for blow, scissor for scissor, and throw for throw. The stakes are high in this titanic tournament between two mighty über-women and the outcome remains a toss-up until a figure-4 leglock, followed by an excruciating camel clutch sets the stage for one fighter’s ultimate defeat. Will Wonder Damsel become her sister heroines’ savior—or just another lost soul?