Lyra vs. Holly


SKU: FF-034-01HQ Categories: ,




Time: 19 Minutes/ 421 MB

The ultimate HAIR MATCH, That’s right you will never see two women whip their long hair around like these two, and what amazing long hair they have. Lyra Louvel is one gorgeous youngster, with brown\\\\blonde hair that goes almost to her ass, and while we’re down there let me tell you this lady has one fabulous butt, firm as a rock and shaped so nice and you will get a lot of great looks at this because the amazing Holly Heart has her on the couch with her legs around Lyra’s beautiful face and her butt is in the air for all to enjoyably view. To make this the greatest hair match we needed another head of hair to match Lyra’s and Holly Heart is the one, her long ultra blonde hair is a perfect match for Lyra. When these two dig their hands into the scalp and start whipping their super long locks around it is a thing of beauty, hair is everywhere! Hell. these two are constantly whipping their long manes all the time, every new hold demands a hair whip. Now we all know Holly is a great fighter and loves to mix it up but it was a welcome surprise to find out this new cutie could keep up, she is fabulous and loves to rip into some girl flesh, this is no timid girl, she is happy to go for the pussy and breasts. Lyra is the total package and so much fun to watch… you are going to love this girl and as an added bonus you will see the best hair match ever!!!