
SKU: DT-0633-03DL Category:




Time: 16 Minutes

Scott really wants to disprove the notion that the female is mightier than the male and he chooses Candi as his test subject. The bouncy blonde is all confidence coming out of her corner of the ring, but her bravado is quickly squelched as a finger-locking test of strength soon has her on her knees. Scott then clamps the sweet girl’s head with a standing head scissors and Candi realizes that her brutal opponent means to make a prime example of her. Scott sits on Candi’s face, smothering her even as he demands that she call him “Master.” Belly punches, bearhugs, reverse bearhugs, and backbreakers are just a few of the tortures Candi has to endure as her pink bikini top is pulled off and her topless form is body-slammed to the hard canvas. Candi suddenly comes back with a fierce wave of retaliation, but the vengeance is short lived as a hand smother and painful back bridge turns the advantage once again in the male’s favor. Who is the master?