
SKU: DT-1160-DVD Categories: , , ,



Match 1Francesca Le is an evil super hero, luckily she is being tested by one of the universes greatest heroes, Angela Sommers. These leather and spandex clad hotties will battle and brawl their hearts out for the future of the human race. Will the future lay in the hands of the dark side or the light? This is not an issue to be taken lightly and believe me, these gifted individuals will fight like the world hangs in the balance. Expect to see chokes and gut shots galore. This is not simply a fight between big breasted babes… it’s a fight between big breasted super hero babes!

Match 2 -The evil one dressed in black (Max Makita) is in the process of stealing the queen’s soul, Celeste Star is the gorgeous queen in her so sexy outfit. But what is this, she is unable to steal the soul, no this can’t be… yes she has to beat the champion, Jessica Bangkok and the pure soul, Mai Mao. She beats Celeste till she is forced to summon them to the ring of battle, in a flash of light they appear in all their white garbed beauty. The evil Max is attacked by these two gorgeous Asians and the fight is savage. They destroy the evil beauty as they double team her in the corner, then to the mat where they literally stomp the hell out of her, wait, this one is so full of hell that all does not get stomped out… Max laughs and now it’s her turn. The evil one destroys each one slowly with tortuous holds like; bow and arrows, camel clutches, ab stretches, chokes and so many more… she so enjoys inflicting pain, only thing she likes better is stealing souls and she gets to do that also as she destroys these beautiful maidens of good. But when she gets to the queen there is a problem…. can she get that soul or will her evil be trumped by the powers of good ?!?!?

Match 3 -This amazing video is worth it just for the start, to see Angela Sommers in her American Girl super heroine costume out cold with her top pulled up revealing those luscious breasts. She has just had a battle and is ready to leave the battle ring, but to her dismay she is attacked by the ugliest of evil clowns, from head to toe this clown is brightly covered in ugly evil and as evil as he looks, his actions are even worse. Poor American Girl doesn’t have a chance against this grinning villain. Does Angela look good in this costume, oh man, how hot can a heroine get, when clowny pulls up her top to choke her and exposes that tight gut and those perfect breasts, we can thank the evil funny boy for that one. This is no happy clown, no, this bad boy is bent on total destruction, never does poor American Girl get any room to ply her powers, from beginning to end the evil clown does his dirty work on this magnificent body with lots of tortuous lifts; over his shoulders, body slams, bear hugs – and also adds in all the killer holds, like stretching her through the ropes and this is just one of so many body stretches, even over the turnbuckle, all causing that sexy costume to ride just half way up her breasts, they are busting out all over. A fabulous super heroine match with two of the best costumes ever, and two characters that will become favorites forever !!!!!!!