
SKU: DT-1218-01DL Category:




Time: 18 min

When Charlie Mancini throws Sarah Brooke to the canvas that first time we know this match is serious! Charlie is one of the wildest women we have seen in some time and when she lets go on poor Sarah, well we are just lucky the red head is so tough because she is able to withstand the brutal treatment, not only does Sarah take it but she even gets her chance at destruction. Sarah now attacks Charlie’s vulnerable breasts and pussy with lots of gouging and killer wedgies that split that bulging butt of Charle, then she attacks the pussy with vengeance. But there is no holding the big brunette back, and when she gets in control again Sarah is really in trouble, now the breasts don’t just get gouged, she slaps the hell out of Sarah’s cute tits… off come the panties, now both beauties are left only in their garter belts and stockings making their pussies oh so vulnerable. Charlie won’t stop, she is intoxicated with her power, over and over she destroys poor Sarah’s breasts and crotch, till finally she splits her legs with a grapevine and digs her nails deep into Sarah’s sore pussy. Warning! This match may be more brutal than some wish to see, so don’t say you weren’t warned !!!