Cindy Pucci vs. Nicole Oring


SKU: FF-005-03HQ Categories: ,


Cindy Pucci vs. Nicole Oring


Time: 16 Minutes/ 313 MB

Cindy Pucci wants to wrestle and Nicole Oring is her first opponent – not good news for Cindy. See Nicole is one tough lady and she has no time for the sweet model type. She shows this contempt with her mouth and with her actions as she constantly berates poor Cindy but Cindy proves to be a gamer and can take quite a bit, even gets some licks in of her own – surprising Nicole with a few throws then blows but this only makes Nicole dislike her more, every move now produces more pain and more verbal attacks till poor Cindy is completely destroyed. Beautiful sweet Cindy told us she was game for more, this only made her want to work harder, to get better so that next time she can get her revenge on Nicole. It’s a hard mean world out there on that canvas and this is no way to welcome a beautiful fresh face to D.T. – but at least we know she can take the abuse – so welcome Cindy.