JC vs. Puma


SKU: MM-015-03HQ Categories: ,


JC Mariee vs. Puma


Time: 20 Minutes/ 448 MB

I have had a lot of requests for the big cat to take on a hot sexy blonde – well, do they get any hotter than JC Marie, no they do not ! Go get her Puma, we don’t have to tell him twice, he loves devouring busty blondes. JC is so sexy in her tight one piece and shoes and she even gets in some destruction of her own, if you can call being face sited by JC destruction, I’m sure many of us would deem it a pleasure, that is till the air ran out, she even puts him in the corner for a good pounding. Puma doesn’t disappoint as he puts on the usual pain filled holds with his twisted joy as our blonde beauty screams for release. Over his shoulder he lifts her and goes after her crotch, then to the ground for many more twists of pain – again he lifts her and again her crotch gets worked over. JC gets in her licks but this is the great Puma and he isn’t about to be defeated by a girl, unless it’s that girl from Europe that choked his ass out, but that must have been a fluke. She may be one of the most beautiful blondes to ever grace a ring but JC is no match for the great PUMA !!!!!