
Saharra vs. Hollywood


DT-1406-02 / Time: 26 Minutes / Size: 613 MB

SKU: DT-1406-02HD Categories: ,


Saharra Huxly is one big bad bountiful beauty and she is happy to destroy this tall lean blonde, Hollywood, matter of fact she is over joyed to be able to destroy this legend of female wrestling — she was the one of the original GLOW girls and that just makes the Huxly so HOT, she gets to destroy a legend, what could be better than that. And destroy she does, oh that first test of strength was won by the blonde because she was smart enough to cheat but after that… well, you guessed it, the big girl does what a biiiiiig girl does – destroy! Heavy punches, chokes, gut scissors, one of the worst match books ever, a claw and that mammoth foot smashes poor Holly’s gut and chest, she even stretches the lean blonde over and through the ropes, and each of these sadistic maneuvers is done with the pain that only a really big bad girl can apply. But wait when Hollywood is splayed across the top rope somehow she uses her lean muscular legs to strangle the big babe… her turn for some pay back and once she has her dazed she wants to keep the daze for days with her own killer moves, my favorite is when she has Huxly’s neck over the rope and sits on it, not just sits but bounces causing the poor Hux some real pain, but can she keep it up… looks like Sararra is coming back and… Wow, watch both of these veterans beat hell out of each other !!!!!!